Investment Advice
We have no products or policies that we are looking to sell to you in exchange for a commission. We are truly independent and source from the open market the best possible investment solution for you from the outset of our relationship and manage that position introducing new options as when they are deemed necessary.
Needless to say that when you choose to invest, the value of your investment can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount you invested.
How do we arrive at the right investment for you ?
In the UK there are considerable options for what you can do with your money, typically spanning four areas: Cash, Property, Shares / Equities or Fixed Income options also known as Bonds.
The starting point for us, once we have understood your risk tolerance, is to overlay a series of filters to the open market which by default rules out areas from which you are not comfortable.
Fund history, performance in comparison to a sector average or an indices, fees, quartile ranking, institutional strength and ranking are all part of these filters which remove the average, and leave us with an approved list of options from which we then discuss with you.
Working to a plan
Whether you are looking to target growth or income, or a blend of both, our team can advise on the best investment planning strategy to suit your needs. We can also review existing investments to ensure that your money is working hard for you and are not over exposed to additional investment risk.
We will work with you to understand your objectives; when you would like to achieve them, your risk profile and your long-term ambitions. All of which will help us to recommend the most suitable investment for you.
We believe that honest and transparent investment advice will ensure we develop a bespoke plan based on your individual circumstances will improve your underlying investment returns.